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Most relevant scientific articles
• Gambato M., Perez-del-Pulgar S., Hedskog C., Svarovskia E.S., Brainard D., Denning J. et al. Hepatitis C Virus RNA Persists in Liver Explants of Most Patients Awaiting Liver Transplantation Treated With an Interferon-Free Regimen. Gastroenterology. 2016;151(4):633-636.e3.
• Reig M., Marino Z., Perello C., Inarrairaegui M., Ribeiro A., Lens S. et al. Unexpected high rate of early tumor recurrence in patients with HCV-related HCC undergoing interferon-free therapy. Journal of Hepatology. 2016;65(4):719-726.
• Perello M. C., Fernandez-Carrillo C., Londono M.-C., Arias-Loste T., Hernandez-Conde M., Llerena S. et al. Reactivation of Herpesvirus in Patients With Hepatitis C Treated With Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2016;14(11):1662-1666.e1.
• Manns M., Samuel D., Gane E.J., Mutimer D., McCaughan G., Buti M. et al. Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir plus ribavirin in patients with genotype 1 or 4 hepatitis C virus infection and advanced liver disease: a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2016;16(6):685-697.
• Lens S., Torres F., Puigvehi M., Marino Z., Londono M.-C., Martinez S.M. et al. Predicting the development of liver cirrhosis by simple modelling in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2016.
Participation and coordination of the Spanish Strategic Plan of Hepatitis C, aimed at assessing the impact of treatment with direct acting antivirals on the natural history of advanced liver disease. Among the
most relevant achievements are: a) the effect of sustained virological response on portal hypertension (presented at the AASLD meeting 2016), b) the impact of antiviral therapy on hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence (Reig, Mariño et al. J Hepatol 2016), and c) the effect of sustained virological response in patients with decompensated cirrhosis awaiting liver transplantation (Pascasio et al., EASL 2016)
Participation and leadership of international clinical trials and investigator initiated studies to assess
the efficacy and safety of new direct acting antivirals against hepatitis C virus in special populations: 1) renal transplant recipients (Fernández et al. J Hepatol in press), 2) patients with decompensated cirrhosis (Fernández-Carrillo et al. Hepatology in press; Manns et al. Lancet Infectious Dis 2016) and 3) patients in the waiting list for liver transplantation (Gambato et al. Gastroenterology 2016).
Contribution in de development of clinical guidelines: “EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines: Liver Transplantation” (J. Hepatol. 2016) and “EASL Recommendations on Treatment of Hepatitis C 2016” (J. Hepatol. 2016).
Following the stay of Dr. Sofía Pérez del Pulgar in Dr. Fabien Zoulim’s Lab (INSERM U1052, CRCL, Lyon, France), we have successfully established the HBV cell culture system and started a project aimed to
study cccDNA persistence during HBV infection in vivo, and in vitro using a bioreactor that mimics the liver microenvironment (ISCIII PI16/00111). This translational project will be developed in collaboration with Dr. Barbara Testoni and Dr. Fabien Zoulim (INSERM U1052, CRCL, University of Lyon, France), Dr. Jordi Gracia- Sancho (IDIBAPS, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, CIBEREHD) and Dr. Francisco Rodríguez-Frías (Fundación Hospital Univesitario Vall d’Hebron–Institut de Recerca, CIBEREHD).
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