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Most relevant scientific articles
• Ramos J.M., Vidal I., Bellot P., Gomez-Hurtado I., Zapater P., Such J. Comparison of the in vitro susceptibility of rifaximin versus norfloxacin against multidrug resistant bacteria in a hospital setting. A proof-of-concept study for use in advanced cirrhosis. Gut. 2016;65(1):182-183.
• Gutierrez A., Zapater P., Juanola O., Sempere L., Garcia M., Laveda R. et al. Gut Bacterial DNA Translocation is an Independent Risk Factor of Flare at Short Term in Patients With Crohn’s Disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2016.
• Juanola O., Gomez-Hurtado I., Zapater P., Moratalla A., Caparros E., Pinero P. et al. Selective intestinal decontamination with norfloxacin enhances a regulatory T cell-mediated inflammatory control mechanism in cirrhosis. Liver International. 2016.
• Julia A., Vinaixa M., Domenech E., Fernandez-Nebro A., Canete J.D., Ferrandiz C. et al. Urine metabolome profiling of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. BMC Medicine. 2016;14(1).
During 2016, our Group has performed its research activity within the 4 ongoing national projects and has continued its collaborations with different national and international research groups. Group’s activity
has been present in all international meetings during the year and has followed in its young researchers formative activity. In 2016, the Group has been involved in the organization of V Curso de Gastroenterología y XI Curso de Hematología “Miguel Pérez-Mateo”, supported by CIBEREHD and celebrated in Hospital General Universitario de Alicante.
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