Page 33 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
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e-CATCH Platform.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Liver Cancer
The e-catch platform has the mission of offering diagnostic and therapeutic guidance services for patients with liver cancer by means of remote consultation. The possibility of evaluating both opinions and imaging technique enables reviewing the information available by the doctors consulted on a reliable basis,
and offering guidance grounded on scientific evidence. In 2016 a contract was established with Bayer pharmaceutical company which financed the telemedicine activity.
In 2016 over 40 consultations were made over the platform and its review started in order to offer the consultation services internationally and thus ensure the sustainability of the platform.
Apart from the consultation services the platform has enabled transporting tomography or resonance images in order to validate the results of multicentre studies and thus ensure the validity of readings of images by independent radiologists.
National Database for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
Hepa-C is a cooperation project launched by the Asociación Española para el Estudio del Hígado (AEEH) in cooperation with the CIBEREHD. With the aims stipulated for 2016 as a guide, it has gone on with scientific production, making a significant contribution to this stage of consolidating knowledge about treatment of hepatitis C.
Papers at congresses
• Poster presentation (AEEH 2016): results of the efficacy of combining sofosbuvir y simeprevir with or without ribavirin in patients with genotype 1 and 4 hepatic cirrhosis in Spain.
• Oral paper (AEEH 2016): results of interferon-free antiviral therapy in patients with cirrhosis by virus c treated on the waiting list for liver transplants. Impact on exclusion from the list through improvement and post-transplant evolution.
• Oral paper (AEEH 2016): effectiveness and safety of treatment with sofosbuvir/ledipasvir, with/ without ribavirin in patients monoinfected with chronic hepatitis by hcv in real clinical practice.
• Poster presentation (AEEH 2016): effectiveness and safety of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir with or without dasabuvir ribavirin in patients with genotype 1 and 4 hepatic cirrhosis. Results of the early access programme.
• Oral paper (AEEH 2016): efficacy and safety in clinical practice of the oral antiviral treatment in kidney transplant patients with hepatitis c: experience of liver registry.
• Oral paper (AEEH 2016): effectiveness and safety of treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents (daa) free of ifn, in patients with advanced kidney failure in real clinical practice.
• Oral paper (AEEH 2016): interferon-free treatment of c virus in patients with advanced cirrhosis: is this always justified? an analysis of the Hepa-C registry.
• Poster presentation (AEEH 2016): can we continue after kidney transplantation with virus c treatment started on the waiting list? (series of cases of Hepa-C).
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