Page 32 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
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Proteomics Platform
In 2016 the proteomics platform provided service for and cooperated with different CIBEREHD groups (Hospital Princesa, H. Clinic, ITGP, BioDonostia and CIC bioGUNE). Four articles were published in scientific journals with international impact. In cooperation with Dr J Bañales (BioDonostia), results were obtained in the preparation of exosomes extracted from the blood of patients with cholangiocarcinoma. In its line of implementing what is known as the “liquid biopsy” along with Dr María Chaparro and Dr Javier Gisbert (H. Princesa) markers were identified in exosomes taken from blood in Crohn’s and inflammatory bowel diseases. By the detection and identification of endogenous peptides in urine by means of nLC MS/MS) cirrhotic patients with compromised kidney function were analysed (Dr Ginés, H. Cliníc). Finally in a piece of work led by Dr Martinez-Chantar an analysis was made of the mitochondrial respiratory supercomplexes chain formed after treatment with acetaminophen by means of nLC MS/MS.
Metabolomics platform
The platform performed 20 services for research groups and pharmaceutical companies interested in quantifying the levels of metabolites of the methionine cycle and derivatives in the liver (Alonso C et al Gastroenterology). The biological matrices for determining this panel of metabolites in adipose tissue were also extended. The methodology for carrying out fluxomics studies in cells and in livers was developed. The measurements of metabolism of cholesterol have been incorporated in the platform’s capacities, as well as NAPQI-GSH metabolites associated with liver toxicity. Apart from this, methods for specific and sensitive determination of MAT and COMT enzyme activities in samples of liver and serum have been developed and applied, and some of the results obtained form part of the publication Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2016.
Metabolomics Platform (NMR)
The NMR metabolomics analysis of samples of serum has enabled establishing a protocol for separation between stages 1 and 4 of hepatic fibrosis (PLoS ONE) and (Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry).
The current state of the platform’s different projects is detailed below:
• Determination of “metabolic health” in adults. Monitoring normal and pathological profiles of a significant portion of the population of the CAV (Basque Community, as study region). 20000 samples were analysed over the 2016-2017 period.
• Determination of biomarkers of the metabolic syndrome. To this end samples of urine in patients with metabolic syndrome and with cardiovascular risk were analysed. A statistical multi-and univariate analysis of the profiles will be made. For this purpose a set of 3000 properly annotated samples, provided by the Universitat de València, is available.
• Identification of congenital pathologies in the new-born baby. In cooperation with the four hospitals with neonatology units of the CAPV the use of NMR for analysing urine of new-born babies was examined (500 samples) in order to detect any metabolic evidence resulting from a number of congenital diseases.

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