Page 35 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
P. 35
Registry of Vascular Liver Diseases
The REHEVASC platform, active since 2011, has the purpose of registering a group of rare vascular liver diseases (Budd-Chiari syndrome, non-neoplastic non-cirrhotic portal thrombosis, idiopathic portal hypertension) whose common characteristics include a high risk of being able to go on to portal hypertension in the absence of cirrhosis. Over these years the dissemination of REHEVASC and its associated documents which establish consensus recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment
of these diseases has enabled increasing the interest and recognition of these diseases (often under- diagnosed). Hence, there are at the present time 17 Spanish care centres which are actively registering patients. In the last export of data in the register (February 2017) over 500 patients were registered. In spite of their infrequency, 7 of these centres registered over 20 patients. The exploitation of the register and intercommunication between its members has also enabled cooperating with the European group for
the study of vascular liver diseases (VALDIG) and as a result of this cooperation a work has recently been published on the use of the new direct anticoagulants in patients with liver diseases and a piece of work on Abernethy’s disease which at the present time is in the drafting stage for its publication.
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