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Most relevant scientific articles
• Chueca E., Apostolova N., Esplugues J.V., Garcia-Gonzalez M.A., Lanas A., Piazuelo E. Proton pump inhibitors display antitumor effects in barrett’s adenocarcinoma cells. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2016;7(NOV):1-1.
• Rodriguez L.A.G., Martin-Perez M., Hennekens C.H., Rothwell P.M., Lanas A. Bleeding risk with long- term low-dose aspirin: A systematic review of observational studies. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(8).
• Scarpignato C, Dolak W, Lanas A, Matzneller P, Renzulli C, Grimaldi M et al. Rifaximin Reduces Number and Severity of Intestinal Lesions Associated With use of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in Humans.Gastroenterology. 2016.
• Vaduganathan M., Bhatt D.L., Cryer B.L., Liu Y., Hsieh W.-H., Doros G. et al. Proton-Pump Inhibitors Reduce Gastrointestinal Events Regardless of Aspirin Dose in Patients Requiring Dual Antiplatelet Therapy. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2016.
• Halvorsen S, Storey RF, Rocca B, Sibbing D, Ten Berg J, Grove EL et al. Management of antithrombotic therapy after bleeding in patients with coronary artery disease and/or atrial fibrillation: expert consensus paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Thrombosis. European heart journal. 2016.
• Asunción García. PI15/00331. Innate and adaptive immunity in gastric cancer. Relevance of gene-gene and gene-environmentinteractions on the risk and prognosis of the disease.
• Olga Abián. PI15/00663. Calorimetric analysis of protein interaction with plasma metabolites: A fast and noninvasive test for the early diagnosis and follow-up of gastrointestinal tumors (DIGCal).
• Pedro Baptista. PI15/00563. Ex vivo Re-vascularization in Porcine Liver Bioengineering – A critical First Step Towards Effective Transplantation on Bioengineered Livers.
• Angel Lanas. PI14/01218. Acetil salicilic acid and platelets in colon cancer.
• Elena Piazuelo. PI14/ 01931. Proton transport inhibition for chemoprevention and treatment of
esophageal adenocarcinoma.
• Fernando Gomollón. European Project. Inflammatory Bowel Disease CHARACTERization by a multi-
modal integrated biomarker study. IBD-CHARACTER, Grant agreement no: 305676.
• Pedro Baptista. Proposal 660554. Marie Curie 2015 Liver Bioengineering. “Ex vivo Re-vascularization in
Porcine Liver Bioengineering – A critical First Step Towards Effective Transplantation on Bioengineered Livers”.
• Halvorsen S,..... Lanas A, ESC Working Group on Thrombosis. Management of antithrombotic therapy after bleeding in patients with coronary artery disease and/or atrial fibrillation: expert consensus paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Thrombosis. Eur Heart J. 2016 Oct27.
• Gisbert JP, ..,...Gomollón F, Lanas Á,... IV Spanish Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection treatment. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016; 39:697-721
• González-Lama , ....J.P. Gisbert , M. Chaparro , E. Domènech , M. Esteve y F. Gomollón . Recommendations by the Spanish Working Group on Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (GETECCU) about management of patients with spondyloarthritis associated to inflammatory bowel disease. Current IBD 2016
• Dr. Lanas is Associated Editor of Am J Gastroenterol (D1), Frontiers in Pharmacology (Q1), member of the Editorial Board of Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol (Q1), and Scientific Director of the Health Research Institute of Aragon. Dr. Gomollon is member of the Editorial Board of J Crohns Colitis (Q1).
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