Page 83 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Madejon A., Romero M., Hernandez A., Garcia-Sanchez A., Sanchez-Carrillo M., Olveira A. et al. Hepatitis B and D viruses replication interference: Influence of hepatitis B genotype. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2016;22(11):3165-3174.
• Sarrazin C., Manns M., Calleja J.L., Garcia-Samaniego J., Forns X., Kaste R. et al. HCVerso3: An open-label, phase IIb study of faldaprevir and deleobuvir with ribavirin in hepatitis C virus genotype-1b- infected patients with cirrhosis and moderate hepatic impairment. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(12).
• Buti M., Calleja J.L., Garcia-Samaniego J., Serra M.A., Crespo J., Romero M. et al. Elimination of hepatitis C in Spain: Adaptation of a mathematical model based on the public health strategic plan for addressing hepatitis C in the National Health System. Medicina Clinica. 2016.
• Rodríguez-Nóvoa S, García-Samaniego J, Prieto M, Calleja JL, Pascasio JM, Delgado Blanco M et al. Altered Underlying Renal Tubular Function in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Receiving Nucleos(t)ide Analogs in a Real-World Setting: The MENTE Study.Journal of clinical gastroenterology. 2016;50(9):779-89.
Completion of the technology transfer process to ARCIS Ltd of SNPs detection models coupled to simplified nucleic acid extraction systems for its use at diagnostic points of care. (Project EHD15PE16: “Development of a detection system of the IL28B single nucleotide polymorphism (rs12979860) coupled to a simplified method of DNA extraction”).
Completion of project FIS PI12 / 02146 entitled “Identification in plasma and PBMCs of resistance variants to treatment with telaprevir or boceprevir against HCV by cold-PCR. Use in Treatment Response Monitoring, “designed for the identification of drug resistant variants in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with direct acting antiviral drugs.
Participation in the 2nd call for the program “Aid for the Execution of Projects and Activities of Medical Education” promoted by Gilead Science S.L.U. In the “Program for detection of HBV and HCV Infection in Primary Care. Referral to Specialized Hospital Consultation”, with the project entitled” Training Activities Directed to Medical Staff of Primary Care for the Update of Strategies for Approach of Chronic Hepatitis C after the Implantation of New Treatments with Directives Direct Antivirals”.
Direction of two Final Degree projects entitled “Functional analysis of hepatitis C virus in lymphocytes of patients with chronic hepatitis C responders to antiviral treatment. Implications in the concept of viral eradication induced by therapy “and” Design of a database of genetic markers and clinical parameters to identify prognostic markers of progression to liver fibrosis in patients with viral hepatopathy “ as well as the Master degree final project titled” Analysis Of cellular epigenetic modifications induced by hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection.”
Participation in clinical trials of direct action drugs against HCV.
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