Page 81 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Monte M.J., Alonso-Pena M., Briz O., Herraez E., Berasain C., Argemi J. et al. ACOX2 deficiency: An inborn error of bile acid synthesis identified in an adolescent with persistent hypertransaminasemia. Journal of Hepatology. 2016.
• Banales J.M., Cardinale V., Carpino G., Marzioni M., Andersen J.B., Invernizzi P. et al. Expert consensus document: Cholangiocarcinoma: current knowledge and future perspectives consensus statement from the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA). Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2016;13(5):261-280.
• Marin J.J.G., Lozano E., Perez M.J. Lack of mitochondrial DNA impairs chemical hypoxia-induced autophagy in liver tumor cells through ROS-AMPK-ULK1 signaling dysregulation independently of HIF- 1α. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2016; 101:71-84.
• Gonzalez-Sanchez E., Perez M.J., Nytofte N.S., Briz O., Monte M.J., Lozano E. et al. Protective role of biliverdin against bile acid-induced oxidative stress in liver cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2016; 97:466-477.
• Abu-Hayyeh S., Ovadia C., Lieu T., Jensen D.D., Chambers J., Dixon P.H. et al. Prognostic and mechanistic potential of progesterone sulfates in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and pruritus gravidarum. Hepatology. 2016.
During 2016, the research group in Experimental Hepatology and Drug Targeting (HEVEFARM) has collaborated with other members of the CIBEREHD- Bujanda and Bañales (San Sebastián), Prieto, Ávila and Sangro (Pamplona), Mato and Martínez-Chantal (Bilbao ), Muntané (Sevilla), Sánchez de Medina and Martínez Augustín (Granada), Armengol, Bruix and Fernandez-Checa (Barcelona) - and with other European groups, which has resulted in the staying in the HEVEFARM during much of 2016 of two Researchers from Italy and the Netherlands. In the educational field, HEVEFARM has coordinated a Doctorate Program and
a University Master’s Degree in Pathophysiology and Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology. Activities within the framework of the European network for the study of cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA) have also been intensified. The work in the research lines of the HEVEFARM has allowed to achieve advances related to chemoresistance and the development of chemosensitization strategies in liver and gastric cancer. Regarding the characterization of hepatocarcinogenesis processes, two studies have been completed
that regard the hepatoprotective capacity of endogenous molecules with antioxidant capability, such as biliverdin and the deregulation in liver tumor cells of mitochondrial genome-mediated retrograde control of the nuclear genome in the alteration of autophagy induced by hypoxia. On the other hand, a research study carried out in collaboration with Dr. Jesús Prieto (Pamplona) has led to the identification of a novel nosological entity called “ACOX2 deficiency”. This is due to a genetic alteration that affects the normal function of hepatocyte peroxisomes, which results in enhanced liver fragility of the patient. Individuals suffering from ACOX2 deficiency present higher predisposition to develop hepatocellular injury when they are exposed to drugs that induce low hepatotoxicity in normal liver. In this study the molecular bases of the disorder have been identified, which will permit an early diagnosis and an effective treatment of this pathology.
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