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Most relevant scientific articles
• Manns M., Samuel D., Gane E.J., Mutimer D., McCaughan G., Buti M. et al. Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir plus ribavirin in patients with genotype 1 or 4 hepatitis C virus infection and advanced liver disease: a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2016;16(6):685-697.
• Marcellin P., Ahn S.H., Ma X., Caruntu F.A., Tak W.Y., Elkashab M. et al. Combination of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Peginterferon α-2a Increases Loss of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B. Gastroenterology. 2016;150(1):134-144.e10.
• Homs M., Rodriguez-Frias F., Gregori J., Ruiz A., Reimundo P., Casillas R. et al. Evidence of an exponential decay pattern of the hepatitis delta virus evolution rate and fluctuations in quasispecies complexity in long-term studies of chronic delta infection. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(6):-.
• Riveiro-Barciela M., Sauleda S., Quer J., Salvador F., Gregori J., Piron M. et al. Red blood cell transfusion-transmitted acute hepatitis E in an immunocompetent subject in Europe: A case report. Transfusion. 2016.
• Quer J., Rodriguez-Frias F., Gregori J., Tabernero D., Soria M.E., Garcia-Cehic D. et al. Deep sequencing in the management of hepatitis virus infections. Virus Research. 2016.
In 2016 our group has continued to actively participate in different international multicenter clinical
trials about hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) virus treatment. The data recorded on the CIBEREHP platform has been analyzed to evaluate the utility of the PAGE-B score, to estimate the likelihood of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients treated with entecavir or tenofovir for more than 4 years in routine clinical practice. In the patients selected for this evaluation we also studied the virological, biochemical and serological response, and the renal safety of the long-term therapy. Moreover, we analysed the utility of HBsAg and HBcrAg levels for the correct classification of HBeAg negative patients in inactive HBV carriers and HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B. This characterization is important since the clinical management of both patients’ groups is different. The impact of HBV genotype on serum levels of both markers and the evolution of HBsAg levels in HBeAg negative patients during their follow-up has also been assessed.
Regarding clinical laboratory and basic research, the subgenotypic classification of HCV by massive sequencing has been consolidated, and we have begun collaborating in the adaptation of this technology for detection of HCV resistance to the new antiviral treatments. Finally, it is also noteworthy the study
for the first time of the evolution rate of the hepatitis delta virus (HDV) for more than 10 years by massive sequencing. This technology has also been applied to the quantitative study of edited and unedited circulating HDV genomes, as well as changes in complexity of the HBV quasispecies due to the interaction with HDV.
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