Page 62 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
P. 62
Castells Garangou, Antoni
Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona
Villarroel, 170
08036 Barcelona
(+34) 93 227 57 39 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Domínguez Fraile, Manuel | Franch Exposito, Sebastiá | Galofre Loscos, Claudia | Gironella Cos, Meritxell | Marcuello Fernández, María | Muñoz Sancho, Jenifer | Samper Lirola, Esther | Sangrador Escrig, Irene
Associated members: Balaguer Prunes, Francesc | Camps Polo, Jordi | Castellvi Bel, Sergi | Cuatrecasas, Miriam | Elizalde Ferández, José Ignacio | Fernández Esparrach, Gloria | Fernández-Cruz Pérez, Laureano
| Gines Gibert, Angels | Lacy Fortuny, Antonio Maria | Maurel Santasusana, Joan | Moreira, Leticia | Nadal Sanmartín, Cristina | Navarro Colas, Salvador | Pellise Urquiza, María | Postigo Angon, Antonio Andrés | Quintanilla Leo, Isabel | Sendino, Oriol | Vaquero Raya, Eva | Vila Casadesús, María |
Main lines of research
• Hereditary and familial forms of colorectal cancer: strategies for its identification, screening and surveillance.
• Study of molecular mechanisms involved in the development, progression and treatment-resistance of colorectal and pancreatic cancer.
• Molecular epidemiology of colorectal cancer and assessment of population-based screening strategies.
• Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and minimally invasive surgery in gastrointestinal and
pancreatic oncology.

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