Page 60 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
P. 60
Castell Ripoll, José Vicente
Fund.para la Investigación
del Hospital La Fe
Hospital Universitario de La Fe Avda F. Abril Martorell, 106 46009 Valencia
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Dianov Petrov, Petar
Associated members: Bort Marti, Bernardo Roque | Donato Martín, María Teresa | Gómez-Lechón Moliner, María José | Jover Atienza, Ramiro
Main lines of research
The Experimental Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Group is an accredited research group of the IIS Hospital La Fe, which was established in 2008 as a Joint Research Unit between the University of Valencia and the Foundation Hospital La Fe, and which includes research-teaching staff from both the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the IIS Hospital La Fe.
Its main objective is the translational research in hepatology. Based on the study of the cellular and molecular biology of hepatocytes, and using complex cellular models capable of mimicking the behavior of the human liver along with the support of advanced analytical technologies, it investigates challenging problems with clinical relevance in order to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies (cellular therapy).
In this context, the group has carried out a very relevant and pioneering work in the study of the molecular bases of drug metabolism and hepatotoxicity, and the regulation of the genes involved. It has also pioneered the development of differentiated liver cell models that mimic the behavior of the human liver, as well as hepatic cell therapy and cell transplantation research.
Among the current lines of research we highlight:

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