Page 47 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Villanueva C., Albillos A., Genesca J., Abraldes J.G., Calleja J.L., Aracil C. et al. Development of hyperdynamic circulation and response to β-blockers in compensated cirrhosis with portal hypertension. Hepatology. 2016;63(1):197-206.
• Nehrhoff I., Bocancea D., Vaquero J., Vaquero J.J., Ripoll J., Desco M. et al. 3D imaging in CUBIC- cleared mouse heart tissue: Going deeper. Biomedical Optics Express. 2016;7(9):3716-3720.
• Asencio J.M., Garcia-Sabrido J.L., Lopez-Baena J.A., Olmedilla L., Peligros I., Lozano P. et al. Preconditioning by portal vein embolization modulates hepatic hemodynamics and improves liver function in pigs with extended hepatectomy. Surgery (United States). 2016.
• Aguero F., Forner A., Manzardo C., Valdivieso A., Blanes M., Barcena R. et al. Human immunodeficiency virus infection does not worsen prognosis of liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2016;63(2):488-498.
• Berzigotti A, Albillos A, Villanueva C, Genescá J, Ardevol A, Augustín S et al. Effects of an intensive lifestyle intervention program on portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis and obesity: The sportdiet study.Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.). 2016.
Our group has maintained its research projection in the clinical and experimental settings. It should be particularly noted the consolidation of the research laboratory, whose scientific production has experimented a notable advance during the last year with a considerable number of manuscripts in preparation.
From the funding perspective, it is noteworthy the maintenance of the funding from the national plan with the granting of the third consecutive project to Dr. Menchén Viso, whose work in the area of intestinal permeability is of great value towards the integration of the different laboratory research lines. Likewise,
it should be noted the participation of our group in the “Proyecto Integrado de Excelencia” granted to our Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (WP-4: Microbiota and liver disease) as well as in the strategic action of the CIBERehd itself (exosomes, WP: liver regeneration). Finally, and for the first time in the history of the group, we will participate in a H2020 project (ALIVER Project) aimed at evaluating the efficacy of a new artificial liver device.
From the teaching perspective, we have directed several “end-of-degree” (Medicine) and “end-of-master” (Biology) projects; moreover, four Ph.D. thesis directed by group members have been defended in 2016. The most relevant results of our group in 2016 are included in clinical research cooperative studies. It should be particularly noted the generation of the initial results of the PREDESCI study in relation with the haemodynamic basis that support the capacity of beta-blockers to prevent the decompensation of patients with cirrhosis, as well as the “proof-of-concept” study associating the weight loss by exercise and diet with the lowering of portal pressure.
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