Page 29 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
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samples (exhaustive review of the diagnoses of donors and of the informed covering the samples).
Samples of DNA have similarly been requested for the project entitled ‘Identification of new genetic variants associated with myelotoxicity from thiopurines in patients with IID and normal thiopurine S-methyltransferase: study of the full genome association’ (principal investigator: Javier Pérez Gisbert). This application is currently still under way.
Biobank of Hospital La Fe in Valencia
(Collection of Steatotic Livers)
La Fe Biobank is an authorised and consolidated service in the Hospital and the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria. It was authorised in 2013 according to Royal Decree 1716/2011, of 18 November, by means of which the basic operating requirements of biobanks for purposes of biomedical research are established.
In 2016, La Fe Biobank received 4955 donations of the collections that it has open until now, specifically
52 under the biobank system, having a stock of almost 90,000 samples available for research, 3000 samples having been used in 2016. As of this date, the collection has 175 livers characterised and managed according to normative and quality criteria and several research groups have displayed interest, through the Plataforma Nacional de Biobancos. The Biobank has developed an internal programme of molecular characterisation of samples kept and is carrying out quality studies of these samples.
This Platform certified its Quality Management System (QMS) in January 2016, in line with the standards
of ISO 9001:2008 and acquired a management software for its transition to ISO 9001:2015 Standard. In keeping with this philosophy. La Fe Biobank is implementing an Information Security Management System to ISO 27001 standard and working on the use of specific sample coding for registration of pre-analytical variables, the SPREC code.
La Fe Biobank forms part of the “Biobank Platform (PT13/0010/0026. AES-2013)” cooperating in four currently active programmes/work lines: “Programme of collections with strategic value”, “Management of Network Services”, “R+D+i Programmes (Management Technologies and Quality Control Programmes)” and “Training”.
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