Page 104 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
P. 104
Panes Díaz, Julián
Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona
Villarroel, 170
08036 Barcelona
[email protected]
group Website
Staff members: Esteller Viñal, Miriam | Garrido Trigo, Alba | Giner Agudo, Ángel | Masamunt Estrella, María Carmen | Planell Picola, Nuria
Associated members: Bordas Alsina, José María | Cabezón Cabello, Raquel | Delgado Rivilla, Salvadora | Feu Caballe, Faust | Lacima Vidal, Gloria | Llach Vila, Josep | Mora Buch, Rut | Ordás Jiménez, Ingrid | Pino Donnay, Susana | Piqué Badia, Josep Maria | Ricart Gómez, Elena | Salas Martínez, Azucena
Main lines of research
The research group on inflammatory bowel diseases at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona concentrates research activities on aspects of pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapy of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Research on disease pathophysiology is oriented to discovering aspects that may have a direct therapeutic value. Thus, projects are directed to characterization of differential patterns of immune response in early and late CD that may help personalize treatments based on immune characteristics, and the identification of molecular factors that maintain remission in these inflammatory disorders. In the area of diagnostics the group is leading initiatives on the use of magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of inflammatory lesions in the intestine, and in the area of therapeutics the main focus of the group is the development of innovative forms of cell therapy for human IBD including the use of hematopoietic stem cells in a program of transplant for refractory Crohn’s disease, tolerogenic dendritic cells, and epithelial stem cells.

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