Page 92 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
P. 92
Guarner Aguilar, Carlos
Instituto de Investigación del Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo
S Antoni Ma Claret 167
08025 Barcelona
(+34) 93 553 79 94 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Ardevol Ribalta, Alba | Sánchez Ardid, Elisabet
Associated members: Poca Sans, María | Román Abal, Eva María | Soriano Pastor, Germán | Torras Colell, Javier | Villanueva Sánchez, Cándido
Main lines of research
The Research Group on Complications of Cirrhosis at the Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona has followed two fundamental lines of research. We have 13 publications in journals, corresponding 11 of them to international journals and we have multicenter studies with different CIBEREHD groups involved.
Dr. Germán Soriano has directed publications to evaluate predictive factors of mortality in patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, a study of the human serum microbiome in patients with cirrhosis,
and the effect of exercise on the patient with cirrhosis on their functional capacity and the risk of falls.
We are collaborating with the Immunology Service of our hospital, Research Group of Dr. F. Azpiroz of
the Hospital Vall d’Hebron and CLIF Consortium. Currently we are studying various factors of intestinal barrier and microbiota, both in an experimental model in cirrhosis and also in patients with cirrhosis. We have two national research projects and one private research project. Dr. Soriano has collaborated in two publications of hepatotoxicity of the group of Dr. R. Andrade and one publication on chronic liver failure of the CLIF Consortium.
The other research line of the group is directed by Dr. Villanueva and is dedicated to the study and management of portal hypertension. This research line in our group is essentially clinical. Dr. Villanueva and his collaborators have followed their own research and have collaborated with other groups on this field, such as: Hospital Clinic, Hospital Gregorio Maranon, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Puerta de Hierro, etc. Two publications correspond to multicenter studies of prevention of variceal hemorrhage with drugs and the publication related to the control variceal hemorrhage by balloon vs stents. Dr. Villanueva has obtained the grant of intensification awarded by the Hospital de Sant Pau and has a national research fellowship.

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