Page 54 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
P. 54
Bujanda Fernández de Pierola, Luis
Asociación Instituto Biodonostia
Hospital Donostia
Paseo Dr. Beguiristain, s/n 20014 San Sebastián
(+34) 659 781 746 [email protected] group Website
Staff members: Labiano Ciriza, Ibone | Lee, Pui Yuen
Associated members: Bañales Asurmendi, Jesús María | Herreros Villanueva, Marta | Hijona Muruamendiaraz, Elizabeth | Perugorria Montiel, María Jesús
Main lines of research
Cancer is the leading cause of death in men and the second in women. Colorectal cancer (CRC) has
the largest incidence worldwide and the second in mortality. Our goal is to determine the best test for
the early diagnosis of this disease as well as to improve its acceptance in screening programs. Other projects include the identification of genetic factors that promote its appearance, response to treatment and the adverse effects of the treatment (EPICOLON I, II EPICOLON, EPIPOLIP, EPINEO, COLONPREV, SmartHEALTH, EPICOLON III studies). Intestinal metaplasia is a precursor lesion of gastric cancer. Genetic and environmental factors associated with progression are unknown. Identifying these factors will help us to develop more effective prevention programs in these patients. Moreover, we are focused on the study of new pathogenic mechanisms in order to create new treatments and early diagnostic strategies in different gastrointestinal tumors with poor prognosis (i.e., pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and gastric cancer). In the hepatobiliary pathophysiology, our aim is to identify the molecular mechanisms involved in: the generation and regulation of bile, the pathophysiology of the microvesicles (ie exosomes), the role of the primary cilium of cholangiocytes, as well as the development of various hepatic chronic diseases (ie, chronic liver damage, NAFLD, hemochromatosis) and biliary diseases (ie, polycystic liver disease, primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cirrhosis).

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