Page 41 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Medina-Caliz I., Robles-Diaz M., Garcia-Munoz B., Stephens C., Ortega-Alonso A., Garcia-Cortes M. et al. Definition and risk factors for chronicity following acute idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury. Journal of Hepatology. 2016.
• Stephens C, Castiella A, Gomez-Moreno EM, Otazua P, López-Nevot MÁ, Zapata E et al. Autoantibody presentation in drug-induced liver injury and idiopathic autoimmune hepatitis: the influence of human leucocyte antigen alleles.Pharmacogenetics and genomics. 2016.
• Bessone F., Isabel Lucena M., Roma M.G., Stephens C., Medina-Caliz I., Frider B. et al. Cyproterone acetate induces a wide spectrum of acute liver damage including corticosteroid-responsive hepatitis: Report of 22 cases. Liver International. 2016.
• Gallego-Duran R., Cerro-Salido P., Gomez-Gonzalez E., Pareja M.J., Ampuero J., Rico M.C. et al. Imaging biomarkers for steatohepatitis and fibrosis detection in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Scientific Reports. 2016;6.
• Robles-Diaz M., Medina-Caliz I., Stephens C., Andrade R.J., Lucena M.I.. Biomarkers in DILI: One more step forward. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2016;7(AUG).
Three new contracts have been obtained during this year in competitive calls: ISCiii (Juan Rodés) and SAS (Senior investigator Nicolás Monardes and Intensificación), and funding for three projects (FIS PI16/01748 Co-IPs: Maria Isabel Lucena y Camilla Stephens; Consejería de Salud PI-0274-2016 IP: Mercedes Robles Díaz; PI-0285-201 IP: Miren García Cortes).
We have continued the work of strengthening our hepatotoxicity registries and case collections from both national and international hospital units. Our leadership position in this area has resulted in that IP Raúl J Andrade has been selected by the EASL to coordinate the development of new clinical practice guidelines for this condition.
Other relevant results have been the definition and risk factors for chronicity in hepatotoxicity based on information from 298 cases with long term follow-up. Furthermore, the role of HLA alleles in hepatotoxicity development classified by the presence of autoantibodies during the episode has been characterised,
as well as the influence of KIR genotype variations on the risk of hepatotoxicity induced by amoxicillin- clavulanate. At the initiative of the European Medicines Agency, our group has organized a seminar titled “Assessment of Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI): Key Rules and Common Pitfalls” aimed at evaluators
and regulatory agencies with the objective to develop hepatotoxicity recognition skills. Finally, the updated version of the eDILI mobile application developed by our group has been launched. It is a mobile application for professional use that provides information on hepatotoxicity and allows the calculation of the most commonly used parameters.
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