Page 24 - CIBEREHD2016-ENG
P. 24
Training Programme
One of the objectives of the CIBEREHD is to promote the training of our researchers, (associated and contracted staff: postdoctoral, predoctoral, nurses and technical staff) to increase the level of research and facilitate the interaction between the different groups. These tasks are coordinated through the Training Plan as part of the Annual Action Plan.
The Training Plan of the CIBER on Liver and Digestive Diseases is implemented in the following actions:
• Training stays at CIBEREHD centres
• Short training stays in Spain or abroad (maximum 8 weeks and exceptionally up to 3 months)
• Visiting intramural teachers programmes
• Carrying out training courses or activities considered of interest for the CIBEREHD
• Promoting scientific activities organised by members of the CIBEREHD (sponsoring and financing seminars, symposia, courses for postgraduates) cooperation with training activities of scientific associations and virtual training activities through the web page.
In 2016, a total number of 44 grants for our researchers were assigned for different activities according to the Training Plan Programme. The beneficiaries of the aid were 19 attached members and 25 contracted staff. The activities financed were 2 short stays abroad (London-England and Ghent-Belgium), 1 national (CIMA, Pamplona), 3 stays in groups CIBEREHD, 27 training courses and activities in Spain and 7 courses abroad.
Some of these activities that we would like to stress are the training stays at CIBEREHD Centres: Sergi Vila (Dr Bosch’s group) at the group of Dr Albillos (Madrid), Sergi Guixé (Dr Bosch’s group) in Dr Mato’s group (Vizcaya) with Dr Juan Manuel Falcón and Dr Ma Dolores Ortiz (Dr Esplugues’ group) at Dr Pérez-Gisbert’s group (Madrid).
We have also cofinanced the following four courses arranged by members of this centre:
• Spring SIOPEL Meeting, Barcelona from 21 to 23 April 2016, organised by Dr Carolina Armengol.
• XIV Congreso Nacional de Virología, Cadiz from 11 to 14 June 2017, organised by Dr Josep Quer Silva.
• XV Jornadas de Avances en Hepatología, Malaga on 20-21 May 2016, organised by Raúl J. Andrade.
• Workshop entitled “Translating colorectal cancer research”, Porto on 9-10 February 2017, arranged by Dr Sergi Castellví-Bel
Through the training plan the CIBEREHD furthermore sponsored the Postgraduate Course of the Asociación Española para el Estudio del Hígado (AEEH) which took place during the celebration of the 42 Congreso Anual de la AEEH and of the Asociación Española de Gastroenterología (AEG).

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